Bouquet Snapshot


Preserve the intricate beauty of your bouquet forever with these exquisite Bouquet Snapshots. Perfect for preserving wedding flowers discreetly.

Bouquet Snapshots, as I like to call them, are perfect for preserving part of your floral arrangement in incredible detail. This is great if you want something that looks less obviously like a bouquet or memorial arrangement. Not only that, but you could even choose to have part of your flower garden drawn.

But wait! Bouquet snapshots are not reserved for just bouquets. If you have a favourite part of your garden/yard, that would also make an amazing subject! 

What can you draw?

Detailed botanical drawings are perfect for capturing several flowers up close and personal. This could be your favourite specimens from your flower garden, or maybe a bunch of flowers a loved one gifted you. The options are endless!


I offer two standard sizes: 

  • Small 6×6″ 
  • Medium 8×8″

This is the area of paper that drawing will be done on. The actual paper will be slightly larger to allow you to mount the artwork. 

The commission Process

  1. When you book a commission, you will be allotted a slot in my commission calendar. I cannot guarantee when this slot will be as it depends on my current workload
  2. After purchasing your commission, I will contact you to tell you when your slot is. If the date doesn’t work for you, we can work together to find a more suitable time 
  3. This is the perfect time to discuss any special requirements with me
  4. Once a date has been agreed upon, you will need to send me your reference photos at least 2 weeks before your commission slot. I will send you a document outlining some tips on what to look for in a reference photo. I am more than happy to help you pick out the perfect photo.
  5. Your artwork will take between 1-2 weeks to complete. Once complete, your artwork will be packaged and shipped to you. 

Shipping is FREE within the USA, but there will be a charge for international orders. Please contact me for a shipping quote.

International shipping will appear as a flat rate. If the actual shipping is less than the amount you paid, I will refund the difference 🙂

Small and Medium size commissions will be mounted using acid-free mountboard.

More details about the commission process can be found on the Original Artwork Commissions and Prices page.


Please note:
The price includes a 50% non-refundable booking fee. Please see the terms and conditions for more information.


Small, Medium


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